An isoline map compares a variable across a geographic area and has lines on it that reference areas on that map with the exact same amount of that variable. In the map above, temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is what was being measured and everywhere a line goes has the temperature displayed somewhere on each line.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Propaganda Map
A propaganda map is the use of a distorted or false map to get a political point across. Scale can be manipulated like it is in the propaganda map above to show a political view of what the world was like during the cold war according to Ronald Reagan.
A propaganda map is the use of a distorted or false map to get a political point across. Scale can be manipulated like it is in the propaganda map above to show a political view of what the world was like during the cold war according to Ronald Reagan.
Monday, April 2, 2012
PLSS map
Public Land Surveying Systems have been in use for a long time. It is used to show large land parcels until someone owns them. They are used primarily for rural, wild, and undeveloped land that is "public" until it is purchased from the government. This is a map of DeLorme and the large grids represent each parcel of land under the PLSS.
Public Land Surveying Systems have been in use for a long time. It is used to show large land parcels until someone owns them. They are used primarily for rural, wild, and undeveloped land that is "public" until it is purchased from the government. This is a map of DeLorme and the large grids represent each parcel of land under the PLSS.
Hypsometric Map
Hypsometric maps represent the changes in elevation of terrain by varying colors. Usually the lighter shades represent lower levels of elevation and as the elevation increases the colors get darker. This is a map of the world. The green areas represent places of low elevation and the tan areas start to get higher in elevation. The brown and darkest areas have the highest elevation.
Cadastral Map
A cadastral map is a map that gives information about property. It shows ownership of land in both a residential and commercial sense. In the cadastral map above, a neighborhood is shown with the names of the people who own the land.
A cadastral map is a map that gives information about property. It shows ownership of land in both a residential and commercial sense. In the cadastral map above, a neighborhood is shown with the names of the people who own the land.
Thematic Map
A thematic map shows a particular theme that is tied with some geographic area. It can be a social theme or a political theme. Many of the maps that we have looked at fits into the description of a thematic map because it is a very general type of map. It shows one particular set of data on a map. It can depict any type of value for any type of region. In this particular thematic map, the United States is separated by counties and shows the amount of new business.
A thematic map shows a particular theme that is tied with some geographic area. It can be a social theme or a political theme. Many of the maps that we have looked at fits into the description of a thematic map because it is a very general type of map. It shows one particular set of data on a map. It can depict any type of value for any type of region. In this particular thematic map, the United States is separated by counties and shows the amount of new business.
Planimetric Map
A planimetric map consists of all positions of horizontal features without taking into account elevation. It can show things such as buildings and structures, roads, rivers, and the distances between them. This map of Jefferson county, Kentucky is what was used by the Louisville water company because it was the easiest and fastest way to see all the essential information such as buildings, roads, sidewalks, parking lots and railroads.
A planimetric map consists of all positions of horizontal features without taking into account elevation. It can show things such as buildings and structures, roads, rivers, and the distances between them. This map of Jefferson county, Kentucky is what was used by the Louisville water company because it was the easiest and fastest way to see all the essential information such as buildings, roads, sidewalks, parking lots and railroads.
Mental Map
A mental map can be any one's recollection of a place or pretty much anything for that matter. Their personal point of view of the world can be a mental map. In the picture above, a young girl Cristina tried to accurately draw her neighborhood and immediate surroundings on a piece of paper. This would be an example of a mental map.
A mental map can be any one's recollection of a place or pretty much anything for that matter. Their personal point of view of the world can be a mental map. In the picture above, a young girl Cristina tried to accurately draw her neighborhood and immediate surroundings on a piece of paper. This would be an example of a mental map.
Flow Maps
Flow maps show the movement of a particular set of data from place to place. It could show the flow of money, communication, data, and in the case of the picture above, labor migration in the greater mekong sub-region.
A cartogram is a type of map that that shows certain attributes of geographic aspects as their area. The shape and size of the area is distorted to show the data that it is trying to convey. Any conventional map would would show the size shape and geometry according to its actual land mass. But as you see in the map above, the size and shape is greatly distorted because it is a cartogram according to population density in Great Britain. As you can see, the most populous area is London.
A cartogram is a type of map that that shows certain attributes of geographic aspects as their area. The shape and size of the area is distorted to show the data that it is trying to convey. Any conventional map would would show the size shape and geometry according to its actual land mass. But as you see in the map above, the size and shape is greatly distorted because it is a cartogram according to population density in Great Britain. As you can see, the most populous area is London.
Cartographic Animations
Cartographic animations are used to show how things happen over some span of time. They are often used on weather and news channels to show what to expect with the weather or projected pathways and movements of storms and hurricanes. The cartographic animation above shows the projected path of hurricane Irene as it makes its way to Cuba and the southeastern United States.
Cartographic animations are used to show how things happen over some span of time. They are often used on weather and news channels to show what to expect with the weather or projected pathways and movements of storms and hurricanes. The cartographic animation above shows the projected path of hurricane Irene as it makes its way to Cuba and the southeastern United States.
Infrared Aerial photo
Just like black and white aerial photographs, infrared photographs are taken either from airplanes or satellites above earth. Infrared photography is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and can be used as thermal imaging. Specific vegetation, water usage, and different kinds of land can be identified using the special infrared lenses. The above picture was taken from a satellite of southern Texas.
Just like black and white aerial photographs, infrared photographs are taken either from airplanes or satellites above earth. Infrared photography is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and can be used as thermal imaging. Specific vegetation, water usage, and different kinds of land can be identified using the special infrared lenses. The above picture was taken from a satellite of southern Texas.
Doppler Radar
Doppler Radar is a radar primarily used in weather forecasting which uses the doppler effect to display velocity data of wind speeds by taking both the linear and radial velocities of a weather system. It does this by sending pulses of radiation. This is what produces the circular image of the hurricane seen above in a doppler radar of hurricane Claudette on the coast of Texas in 2003. As you can see, the eye of the hurricane is just north of Corpus Christi up the coast.
Doppler Radar is a radar primarily used in weather forecasting which uses the doppler effect to display velocity data of wind speeds by taking both the linear and radial velocities of a weather system. It does this by sending pulses of radiation. This is what produces the circular image of the hurricane seen above in a doppler radar of hurricane Claudette on the coast of Texas in 2003. As you can see, the eye of the hurricane is just north of Corpus Christi up the coast.
LIDAR, or Light Detection and Ranging, is an optical remote sensing technology that uses light to detect distances to an object and other properties of that target. This is done using pulses from a laser. LIDAR has applications in the fields of physics, geology, the military, geography and archeology among many other fields. Flood risk assessments have been increasingly using LIDAR as well because of the highly accurate landscape and elevation characteristics LIDAR provides as such in the picture above.
LIDAR, or Light Detection and Ranging, is an optical remote sensing technology that uses light to detect distances to an object and other properties of that target. This is done using pulses from a laser. LIDAR has applications in the fields of physics, geology, the military, geography and archeology among many other fields. Flood risk assessments have been increasingly using LIDAR as well because of the highly accurate landscape and elevation characteristics LIDAR provides as such in the picture above.
Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

A continuously variable proportional circle map is like the range graded one in that it uses circles to portray a set of data, however there are more things going on in a continuous variable proportional circle map. There are more variables in this instead of just one. The larger the circle means there are more people within the population. Inside the circle, more variables of data are represented. In the above map of France, the inside of the circles compare the different types of meat distributed to Paris from different regions of France.
range graded proportional circle map
Range Graded proportional circle maps are maps that utilize circles of different sizes proportional to the given value of data. The larger the circle, the more amount of government money allotted to each state via the bailout according to the map above. each state gets a circle which represents an amount of money proportional to its size.
Range Graded proportional circle maps are maps that utilize circles of different sizes proportional to the given value of data. The larger the circle, the more amount of government money allotted to each state via the bailout according to the map above. each state gets a circle which represents an amount of money proportional to its size.
Unclassed Choropleth Map
An unclassed choropleth map uses shading rather than numerical data on the map in its various areas of the map. Each area is given a color or shade proportionate to its data. The darker the region, the more intense on the scale of data than the lighter regions. This unclassed choropleth map shows the birthrates in Europe through a varying and proportional degree of darkness.
An unclassed choropleth map uses shading rather than numerical data on the map in its various areas of the map. Each area is given a color or shade proportionate to its data. The darker the region, the more intense on the scale of data than the lighter regions. This unclassed choropleth map shows the birthrates in Europe through a varying and proportional degree of darkness.
Univariate choropleth map
A univariate choropleth map is the simplest form of a choropleth map and only has one set of data it shows. Different areas are broken down into differently shaded regions depending on their representation of the data being shown. In the map above, it shows the population density of Russia's raions in 1985.
Standardized Choropleth Map
A standardized choropleth map, unlike its standardized counterpart areally averages its data and can therefore compare areas of different sizes. The standardized choropleth map above compares the hispanic population of each county in the state of Missouri. As you can see each county has its average population in addition to its shade of color.
Unstandardized Choropleth map
An standardized choropleth map is a type of choropleth map that compares raw percentage data with nothing associating the different sections. Nothing is averaged out nor does there need to be an even amount of intervals. The above map shows the counties of the United States and their percentage use of each generic name for soft drinks. "Pop" is predominantly used in the midwest states, while "Coke" is used mostly in the south.
An standardized choropleth map is a type of choropleth map that compares raw percentage data with nothing associating the different sections. Nothing is averaged out nor does there need to be an even amount of intervals. The above map shows the counties of the United States and their percentage use of each generic name for soft drinks. "Pop" is predominantly used in the midwest states, while "Coke" is used mostly in the south.
Nominal Area Choropleth Map
Nominal area choropleth maps are purely qualitative by nature and do not use statistical data when making the map. In this map each color represents a resultant victory in each district for the person running for French Prime Minister in 2007.
Nominal area choropleth maps are purely qualitative by nature and do not use statistical data when making the map. In this map each color represents a resultant victory in each district for the person running for French Prime Minister in 2007.
A bilateral graph shows two opposite sets of data. In certain instances it is important to show both sides of a certain equation. It is often necessary to graph above and below the zero line. This graph shows the US trade with Europe. When we are exporting a lot more than we are importing our debt and account balance stays pretty constant.
A bilateral graph shows two opposite sets of data. In certain instances it is important to show both sides of a certain equation. It is often necessary to graph above and below the zero line. This graph shows the US trade with Europe. When we are exporting a lot more than we are importing our debt and account balance stays pretty constant.
Accumulative line graph
An accumulative line graph, or Lorenz curve shows the proportion of distribution by a certain percentage of the bottom variable. It shows how far each subset group deviates from the line of equality. In this Lorenz curve, the socioeconomic status of each group is being measured. The further each curve differs from the straight line of equality, the greater the inequality in the groups status distribution.
Index Value Plot
An index value plot acts a lot like a line graph except instead of the line corresponding to two variables, it measures an indexed value. Most stock market graphs you see are index value plots. In the index value plot above, value and growth is what is being measured relative to the previously measured index dating back to 1994.
A scatter plot is a simple representation of data on a graph. There are only two variables and each dot on the graph represents a point. Usually it forms some sort of trend-line that can show a relationship. In this scatter plot, petal length and width of an Iris Petal are the two variables. As the petal increases in length, so does the petal width.
A scatter plot is a simple representation of data on a graph. There are only two variables and each dot on the graph represents a point. Usually it forms some sort of trend-line that can show a relationship. In this scatter plot, petal length and width of an Iris Petal are the two variables. As the petal increases in length, so does the petal width.
Population profile
A population profile is a chart showing a number of people as a function of their ages. It also can measure another variable as well. Such as in this particular population profile, the population of people in East and Southern Africa are being compared to having AIDS or not.
A population profile is a chart showing a number of people as a function of their ages. It also can measure another variable as well. Such as in this particular population profile, the population of people in East and Southern Africa are being compared to having AIDS or not.
A climograph is a graphical representation of the amount of precipitation and temperature felt at a particular loaction. It is a very convenient and quick way to view the climate of any area. The way you read a climograph is very simple. All you have to do is find the particular month that you want to see the climate for and the bar graph portion represents the amount of precipitation and the curve is the temperature. There are values on both sides of the climograph to show units for both variables. In this climograph, Boulder, Colorado is the city being measured. As you can see, May had the most precipitation and July was the hottest month of the year.
A windrose is very useful in various occupations such as meteorology to measure and display direction and wind speed's distribution at a certain location. It measures that relative frequency of wind blowing from a certain direction over time. The length of each spoke is related to the frequency per unit of time. In this particular windrose, over the course of thirty years 13% of the wind this place felt came from the east. Very little wind came from the west.
A windrose is very useful in various occupations such as meteorology to measure and display direction and wind speed's distribution at a certain location. It measures that relative frequency of wind blowing from a certain direction over time. The length of each spoke is related to the frequency per unit of time. In this particular windrose, over the course of thirty years 13% of the wind this place felt came from the east. Very little wind came from the west.
Triangular Plot
A triangular plot is useful when there are exactly three variables. All three can be conveniently plotted on a two dimensional display. In the graph above, soil composition can be determined using the three variables. If you know the percent sand, clay, and silt you will be able to determine exactly what substance you have. In addition if you wanted to make silty clay loam, you would know that you need 60% silt, 25% clay, and 15% sand. All three percentages need to add up to 100%.
A triangular plot is useful when there are exactly three variables. All three can be conveniently plotted on a two dimensional display. In the graph above, soil composition can be determined using the three variables. If you know the percent sand, clay, and silt you will be able to determine exactly what substance you have. In addition if you wanted to make silty clay loam, you would know that you need 60% silt, 25% clay, and 15% sand. All three percentages need to add up to 100%.
Parallel Coordinate Graph
When comparing two or more variables or data sets within a graph, a parallel coordiante graph is very useful. It can measure many things at once. In this particular parallel coordinate graph cells of nine different genes are expressed. Each gene is represented by one of the nine parallel axises. The level of expression is defined by a point on each axis.
When comparing two or more variables or data sets within a graph, a parallel coordiante graph is very useful. It can measure many things at once. In this particular parallel coordinate graph cells of nine different genes are expressed. Each gene is represented by one of the nine parallel axises. The level of expression is defined by a point on each axis.
A histogram is a graphical representation of the frequency of occurrences of a certain data set. Each bar represents an amount of times a particular variable occurred. In this histogram, the waiting time during some registration is what was being measured. As you can see, waiting anywhere from 61-90 minutes was the most common time of wait during registration. Waiting 91-120 minutes happened the least with only two occurrences.
Box Plot
A box plot, also sometimes called a box and whisker plot is a display of five significant numbers. The maximum value, minimum value, upper quartile (75%), lower quartile (25%), and median number. It is useful in detecting outliers and to see how the data is distributed. In this box plot, a wide range of data points are displayed for peoples' IQ's. As you can see it is pretty evenly distributed with the fifty percent almost in the middle of the upper and lower quartile at around 100. The maximum is over 125 and the minimum is around 67.
A box plot, also sometimes called a box and whisker plot is a display of five significant numbers. The maximum value, minimum value, upper quartile (75%), lower quartile (25%), and median number. It is useful in detecting outliers and to see how the data is distributed. In this box plot, a wide range of data points are displayed for peoples' IQ's. As you can see it is pretty evenly distributed with the fifty percent almost in the middle of the upper and lower quartile at around 100. The maximum is over 125 and the minimum is around 67.
Stem and Leaf Plot
A stem and leaf plot is a chart that divides numbers into two columns to represent two different figures. The number on the left represents the first digit. The right side series of numbers represents the amount of data points within that first subset number prefix on the left. In the stem and leaf plot above, it is showing how to use one. The left side is essentially the tens column. Using the key, you can see that it says a 5 in the 2 subset represents a 25. A stem and leaf plot makes a large number of data points easier to show without actually having to write them all out.
Similarity Matrix
A similiarity matrix is a matrix of numbers that shows just how similar two data points are to one another. This similarity matrix happens to be plotting behavioral clustering. A red pixel represents two data points that are extremely similar and blue represents ones that are not similar at all.
Correlation Matrix
A correlation matrix shows the relationship between all data sets. It is used in the field of statistics to show the relationships between certain subsets. For example, in the Correlation matrix above, X1 is significantly correlated to X3 and X4 but not X2. The suggested meanings of this correlation matrix were for success in graduate school. Using the correlations that were discovered, it was found that intellectual ability and work ethic were not correlated at all which makes sense.
A correlation matrix shows the relationship between all data sets. It is used in the field of statistics to show the relationships between certain subsets. For example, in the Correlation matrix above, X1 is significantly correlated to X3 and X4 but not X2. The suggested meanings of this correlation matrix were for success in graduate school. Using the correlations that were discovered, it was found that intellectual ability and work ethic were not correlated at all which makes sense.
Star Plots
A star plot is useful when one wants to compare multiple variables. When a point is established for each variable and the lines are connected, a "star shape" is formed. The most desirable results lie directly in the middle. The length of each line is proportional to the value the variable it represents. The star plot shown above is data for air pollution in four different cities in the United States. Take note that Chicago's star looks much different than the other three.
A star plot is useful when one wants to compare multiple variables. When a point is established for each variable and the lines are connected, a "star shape" is formed. The most desirable results lie directly in the middle. The length of each line is proportional to the value the variable it represents. The star plot shown above is data for air pollution in four different cities in the United States. Take note that Chicago's star looks much different than the other three.
DOQQ map
A DOQQ map, or Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads map, is a digital aerial image produced by the USGS. The advantage of a DOQQ map is that it is a spatially accurate image that shows things in their correct geographic locations. This digital picture is an aerial color infrared photograph of Johnston County Nebraska in 1998.
A DOQQ map, or Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads map, is a digital aerial image produced by the USGS. The advantage of a DOQQ map is that it is a spatially accurate image that shows things in their correct geographic locations. This digital picture is an aerial color infrared photograph of Johnston County Nebraska in 1998.
DEM map
A DEM, or digital elevation model, represents height information in a three dimensional way to display the change in elevation for a given area. In this DEM, the change in color helps the map viewer tell the change in elevation for the particular area.
A DEM, or digital elevation model, represents height information in a three dimensional way to display the change in elevation for a given area. In this DEM, the change in color helps the map viewer tell the change in elevation for the particular area.
DLG map
A DLG, or digital line graph uses data files usually from the USGS and uses vectors to represent cartographic information. This is a DLG map of the Yellowstone national park. It shows lines of countour, lakes, streams, roads and section lines inside the park.
A DRG map, or digital raster map, is a digital image from a scanned piece of paper. In this map, it's a scanned image of all the campsites for hikers at Prince William's Sound.
A DRG map, or digital raster map, is a digital image from a scanned piece of paper. In this map, it's a scanned image of all the campsites for hikers at Prince William's Sound.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
An isopleth map has lines showing the occurence or frequency of a phenomenon as a function of two different variables. The above map shows the incidence of flu like symptoms in the country of France. The isolines of the map connect points with the same amount of flu like symptoms in France.
An isopleth map has lines showing the occurence or frequency of a phenomenon as a function of two different variables. The above map shows the incidence of flu like symptoms in the country of France. The isolines of the map connect points with the same amount of flu like symptoms in France.
An isopach map shows the change in thickness of sedimentary rock over a given area. This particular isopach map shows the Oatka Creek Shale. The white dotted line denotes the axis of minimum thickness of the Oatka Creek Shale.
An isopach map shows the change in thickness of sedimentary rock over a given area. This particular isopach map shows the Oatka Creek Shale. The white dotted line denotes the axis of minimum thickness of the Oatka Creek Shale.
This is an isohyet map of Australia showing amount of rainfall. Each color represents a certain amount of rainfall, the green being the least and red being the most. 300 mm of rain was the country's average rainfall and they found each area who had that amount and connected them with the lines shown.
This is an isohyet map of Australia showing amount of rainfall. Each color represents a certain amount of rainfall, the green being the least and red being the most. 300 mm of rain was the country's average rainfall and they found each area who had that amount and connected them with the lines shown.
An Isotach map shows lines connecting points of equal wind speeds. In this map, the lines connect points of equal wind speeds in the united states.
An Isotach map shows lines connecting points of equal wind speeds. In this map, the lines connect points of equal wind speeds in the united states.
Isobars are lines of equal atmospheric pressures. The lines will never touch. This map shows a large storm moving towards New Zealand.
Black and White Aerial Photo
A black and white aerial photo speaks for itself in that it is exactly what it's title says. A black and white aerial photo serves as a map in that it shows a particular area in picture form usually taken from an airplane or fixed tower. This is an aerial photo taken of Manhattan, NY.
Statistical Map
A statistical map is a very vague term used to describe a map that represents graphical information that is put in the form of statistics. This map specifically is showing the percent difference of the residential populations state by state. It gives a percent change as well as a color shading representation with the larger percent change being a darker shade of green and lighter for the states with less change.
A statistical map is a very vague term used to describe a map that represents graphical information that is put in the form of statistics. This map specifically is showing the percent difference of the residential populations state by state. It gives a percent change as well as a color shading representation with the larger percent change being a darker shade of green and lighter for the states with less change.
Isoline maps are maps that use lines to connect points of equal measurements. They separate different areas to which data differentiates. When we look at weather forecasts, we usually see isoline maps, more specifically isotherm maps that use temperature as the measurement like in the above picture. It is an isotherm map of the united states in 2003.
Isoline maps are maps that use lines to connect points of equal measurements. They separate different areas to which data differentiates. When we look at weather forecasts, we usually see isoline maps, more specifically isotherm maps that use temperature as the measurement like in the above picture. It is an isotherm map of the united states in 2003.
Dot Distribution
A dot distribution map uses dots to measure the occurrence of data in a given area. The more dots in the region, the higher the frequency of what is being measured. In this map, it is measuring the distribution of the population of the united states. Each dot represents 7500 people. As you can see, the more dots are located in areas of very dense population like in the northeast region.
A dot distribution map uses dots to measure the occurrence of data in a given area. The more dots in the region, the higher the frequency of what is being measured. In this map, it is measuring the distribution of the population of the united states. Each dot represents 7500 people. As you can see, the more dots are located in areas of very dense population like in the northeast region.
Classed Choropleth Map
A classed choropleth map shows data in a specific class by coloring in the proportional area on the map. A choropleth map provides an easy way to visualize how a measurement varies across a geographic area. This is a map that shows the amount of expenditure per pupil county by county in North Carolina. If you read the box it actually says that this is a poor exampe of a choropleth map because the hues of color that reperesents the different classes of data are too close together to distinguish. This brings up an interesting point when thinking about class choropleth maps. The idea behind them is to make it much easier to read the graph visually but the colors have to be distinguishable.
A classed choropleth map shows data in a specific class by coloring in the proportional area on the map. A choropleth map provides an easy way to visualize how a measurement varies across a geographic area. This is a map that shows the amount of expenditure per pupil county by county in North Carolina. If you read the box it actually says that this is a poor exampe of a choropleth map because the hues of color that reperesents the different classes of data are too close together to distinguish. This brings up an interesting point when thinking about class choropleth maps. The idea behind them is to make it much easier to read the graph visually but the colors have to be distinguishable.
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